Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Reaching home: Our journey in numbers and lists

We are pleased to report that on arrival at Santander ferry terminal,  Brittany ferries already had a plan for what to offer us. We boarded a coach,  travelling overnight to France and then caught a different ferry which got us into Portsmouth actually 1 hour EARLIER than originally planned.  Steve's parents were there to meet us on arrival and after a night's stay at their place,  we've headed North on the train towards Leicester,  pausing in London for a cup of tea with Mel's Mum.  

As our journey reaches its end,  we thought we would share some trip lists with you!

Our trip in numbers:
0 transatlantic flights
1 short flight in a turbo-prop plane
2 clipper ships
3 months in Puerto Rico
4 organic farming projects
5 weeks of sailing on the Atlantic 
6 'Workaway' placements
7 areas of Puerto Rico stayed in
8 substantial train journeys 
9 ferry journeys
10 Caribbean islands visited

Things we'll miss...
The weather!
Our Caribbean family and friends
Tropical flora and fauna,  especially lizards, frogs, diving pelicans & sealife
The sea
The bright stars

And things we (or at least one of us) are looking forward to...
Seeing our UK friends and family
Being around young people 
Unpacking and not having to re-pack for sometime
Less small talk
Being able to travel under our own steam (especially cycling which we only managed for 4 days out of the last 6+ months). 

Things we've learned about...
Caribbean history, culture and politics
Caribbean wildlife
The wide ranging effects of hurricanes
Organic growing techniques including companion planting
Practical skills
How to find elusive coqui frogs
Un poco de espanol (including a song about coqui frogs)

And things we've shared...
Enthusiasm for composting 
Enthusiasm for reducing plastic waste
Educational expertise
Pond building skills
Presentations about slow travel and inspirational youth in the fight against climate change


  1. Aw you guys <3

  2. Aw you guys! <3

  3. So pleased you got back safely and had such an amazing trip.
    It was great to see you in Malaga and Hampshire.

  4. You”ll soon get those bike riding muscles back...xx
