Sunday, 10 March 2019

On to Tortola

We have now left Puerto Rico.  We were lucky enough to get a ride on a cargo ship that steams between Puerto Rico and st. Thomas in the U.S. virgin islands. The shipping company is owned by friends of Mel's sister and we were able to make the 7 hour journey in the ships galley. We arrived into st.  Thomas at first light as evidenced by the photo below, which has the ship in the background. From st. Thomas we had breakfast and then caught the first ferry to Tortola. Once here, our good luck continued and we m

et up with an inspiring figure called Aragorn (named after the Tolkien character) who our good friend Charlotte once met. He runs an organic farm in the hills and has room for us to stay here.  The view from the farm is in the last photo. We are helping out on the farm until the 20th March when we already have another boat to St.  Martin. More news about what we're doing on the farm and on Tortola next time.


  1. You're both looking healthy and tanned.
    Enjoy Tortola,it looks lovely x

  2. Can’t believe you’re on your way back...already. Does it feel short to you?

    1. I'm sure it will feel like we've hardly been away when we get home but actually, because we've had so many different experiences along the way, it does feel like we've had a very chunky time away from the humdrum of 'normal life'. We still have another month and a half to go which is a very long 'holiday' by any normal standard. I guess that's the advantage of slow travel :-). X
